永利皇宮 Wynn Palace | 永利客席名廚饗宴:徐昆磊與譚國鋒 A Taste of Seafood Perfection: Chefs Xu & Tam

永利皇宮 Wynn Palace

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Reinterpreting the Fresh Tastes of the Sea

來自上海 #米芝蓮 星級餐廳 #甬府 的客席名廚徐昆磊,親臨了2019年 #亞洲50最佳餐廳 #永利宮 ,與我們的行政總廚譚國鋒一同獻技,為大家帶來以優質海鮮特製的精緻美饌,完美結合寧波菜和粵菜的特色。一起看看當晚盛況!

Guest Chef Xu Kun Lei from the #Michelin-starred #YongFu in Shanghai visited the #Asias50Best Restaurants 2019-listed #WingLeiPalace to collaborate with our Executive Chef Tam Kwok Fung in the preparation of a delicate feast of classic Ningbo cuisine and authentic Cantonese cuisine. Take a look at the highlights of the night and admire the intricate dishes made with meticulously sourced premium seafood ingredients!

#永利皇宮 #WynnPalace

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